- 【拼音】zì fù qí néng
- 【典故】李广才气,天下无双,自负其能,数与虏敌战,恐亡之。西汉·司马迁《史记·李将军列传》
- 【释义】自负:自恃,自许。自恃而又自信自己的才能
- 【用法】作谓语、定语;用于书面语
- 【结构】偏正式
- 【同韵词】镜里恩情、积雪囊萤、以利累形、瑰意奇行、衅稔恶盈、无胫而行、相见以诚、断梗飞蓬、一顾倾城、砥节厉行、......
- 【年代】古代
- 【英文】to be responsible for one's own actionto think highly of oneself; to be conceited; to be self-important; to be pretentious; to be (or get) too big for one's boots; to fancy oneself as; to have a swelled (or swollen) head; to be full of one's own importancewind in the head; vain conceit; self adulation